family unit). So here you go! Got here safe, and everything is good! It´s
kind of weird, but hey, I feel like I´m in Venezuela again! It´s kind of
weird, but I really like it here! Tell mom thank you for the pictures of
the family, they really keep me in focus to do whats right. Also, thank you
so much for the Letter from you. It really helped me though last night. I
miss you guys, but I know that I´ll be fine, I´ve prayed a lot these last
days, and I feel the spirit more, and I know that I can do this. Our next
P day is like, next Friday, so ill hopefully write you then. I´ll tell you
all about the flight and the first few days, i would now, but we only have
a few minutes. Tell Mom I love her very much, and give Jarrett a big hug
from me. I love you so much. Write you soon!
It was so great to hear that he arrived safely and likes it there!